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Preview Night Laverys Belfast 28th February

Just some titbits.

The link is the donation page for Irish Injured Jockeys Fund. It's the right cause this year. Please give generously. As per Sunday 2nd, we are over the 1000 euro. Thank you to those who have given. Let's kick on, please.

About 200 people crammed into Laverys First Floor Comedy Bar. On the panel we had Pamela Ballantine MC ably supported by Kevin Blake (KB), Bryan Cooper (BC), Tony Keenan (TK), and Archie Devlin (AD). Archie is a columnist from the Irish News. Kevin, always an entertaining and charming wordsmith, Tony, highly enthusiastic and knowledgeable, young Bryan better than when at the Boylesports one last week. Has come on for a run ot two. Started at 8pm, we had a break for 20 minutes in the middle and finished at 10pm. There should be more like it. (My bits in italics).

First thing - Little or no rain forecast before Tuesday week. Pamela got that directly from Ronnie Bartlett. He definitely will be watching the forecast.

Tuesday - KB doesn't like Kopek Des Bordes.'Gets too warm beforehand, not a good jumper, not sure what he beat at the DRF, price too short.' An English maiden was 3rd. This competition will be hotter. A Romeo Coolio fan. TK not sure about Romeo Coolio's form either as Blue De Vassy was destroyed in the DRF. LIkes Workahead. A lot. Says his maiden win form is good. Henry has now returned to form. BC - de Bromhead form was poor because of the lack of soft ground pre Xmas. (Henry currently at a highly strike rate than last season) AD tells us that there have been three false starts in the last 5 Supremes. (Luv it) How will that affect fav?

Panel all in a mood to buy distances for Majborough. AD says he'll be the 11th winning Arkle fav in 13. Knows his stats. Jango Baie runs here. Touch Me Not given a shout for a place. BC keen to see Firefox in one of the handicaps. He's been given 150 rating. Toals prices on screen had 2/1 JP to have at least 5 winners.

C Hurdle. KB - Constitution Hill should win. This will be old news very quickly but far from convinced that Brighterdaysahead runs here. Gordon wants to run, Eddie doesn't, Michael to make the decision. On a panel with Rich Richie, felt far from convinced that he wanted to run Lossiemouth either. Or which whichie as he called him. TK threw scorn on this by stating that Willie makes decision not owner. Thought Paul and Danny should have been given orders at the DRF 'cos both rides were mad. Says whatever happens, Willie doesn't win in his opinion.

TK very keen on Kala Conti in Mares if big two not there. Should be the same price as July Flower on DRF running. In the Fred Winter (no longer sponsored by Boodles) KB is sweet on Beyond Your Dreams. Form lines work out. (Form lines in the Fred Winter. hmm.) Believes that the weights will go up 4lbs as Willy de Houelle and Naturally Nimble unlikely to run.

Wednesday - Usual chat about speed horses winning the Turners, BC 'they tend to slow down in the middle while Supreme is an end to end gallop.' Challow stat etc. Lukewarm support for Final Demand, TK spent the evening becoming a Skelton fan. New Lion the first of those.

Ballyburn fancied over Dancing City. AD said Stellar Story jumps like 'an elephant on stilts.' New one on me. Also a debate about the fav's jumping. No love for Jonbon in the room. 'Doesn't like Cheltenham.' Not sure what beats it, though. Gaelic Warrior may not go. BC Energuememe Paul's ride but needs soft. TK Marine Nationale 'may lift the head up late on.' BC wants to see Il Est Francais run here. KB not a Solness fan. 'Its too good to be true.' (Quite disappointing to hear that, considering Kevin's connections to the stable, and I've been backing it since Christmas, My week.)

KB definitely warm on the chances of Bussleton in the X country. 'New owners, been aimed at the race, good run last time, handicapper dropped him a pound for it, likes good ground.' (WHills are going 66s Joseph top trainer w/o Willie. Value?) BC likes Beckett Park in Coral Cup. KB Comfort Zone fan wherever he runs. 'Big pot in him.' TK for Unexpected Party to repeat Grand Annual win. (hasn't been done since Top Twenty in 1959 but we said similar things like that about the Coral Cup last year.)

Thursday - Not much love for Maughreen. 'KB 'too short for what she's done.' Really wants Gallileo Dame to run in this. She'll get 10lbs. However thinks it unlikely as 'the owners have had a big bet on her for the Triumph' (If she doesn't win Triumph, still a novice next season). Sixandahalf respected. BC strong word for his father's D Art D Art in the Pertemps. KB played 'Spot The Runner' in the Ryanair. 'Fact To File, Protektorat (BC's choice), Djelo, Jungle Boogie, Heart Wood. Envoi Allen about it.' TK no strong view. BC says frontrunner's race. BC likes Jordans wherever it shows up.

With no rain, room wanted to take on Teahupoo. TK felt Hattons Grace run poor in that no distance between it and Beacon Edge, 'a yoke.' 5 yr old not even mentioned. Crambo doesn't like the track. KB tells us about Home By The Lee. A hard ride at home, the strong lad who was responsible for him left Joseph's last year. Trainer then puts a young slip of a girl on him and he has become as sweet as anything. 'Moral story for all the old men in the room.' TK - 'I've heard some ballox in my time..' but still tips him. 'He lost his position three out in the Leop Xmas G1 but still won well.' BC likes The Walpark.

Friday - BC - 'Lulamba is the bizz.' PK - Irish all finished in a heap in the Spring Juvenile. However both Hello Neighbour and Galileo Dame have flat ratings in the high 90s 'so there is a danger of that form being underestimated.' AD East India Dock his nap of the week. Panel didn't cover Albert Bartlett in any depth. TK keen on Jet Blue, 'bad ride, still won last time on the track.' And Flicker Of Hope, 'still more improvement to come from him.'

KB 'If the ground is no worse than 'Good to Soft', Banbridge runs here. If softer, he waits for Aintree. Runs here or doesn't run at Festival. 'Won't be 8 runners in the GC so 5/1 ew nrnb a shot to nothing.' Panel believe he is the only horse who can 'bustle up' Galopin. (Winning three GCs ain't easy. Best Mate 8/11 had trouble beating Sir Rembrandt 33s half a length in his.) TK had backed Montys Star, now thinks he's just a talking horse.

TK launches into a Richard Dimbleby lecture on the merits of Brides Hill in Mares Chase. Totally ground dependant, unlikely to run unless good so an ew double her and Banbridge 'might be the way to go.' No one has a clue what to make of Kopeck De Mee.

Kevin naps Lark In The Mornin in the County. Roundly and sportingly booed. I wasn't here but it seems he told them last year that he couldn't win on soft ground!

Lots of fun.
